Masterclass for Classical Singers
Umbria, Italy - 16 to 23 June 2019
Price for the Masterclass: Early Bird 2.150 Euro – deadline 01.03.2019. Price after 01.03.2019 2.400 Euro.
Everything is included, except flights. Transportation from train station is included. Extra massage and wellness offers are not included.
The Masterclass, Workshop, Concert and Accommodation will take place in a luxury resort, the old Monastery San Biagio in Umbria –
Deadline for registration 01.05.2019
Soulflowsinging Retreat
Umbria, Italy - 6 September to 13 September 2019
You do not need any previous experience in singing in order to participate!
The three key elements of the week, EMBRACE – EMBODY – EXPRESS, are designed as a gentle, respectful and empowering rite of passage: a deep journey into elements of your own SOULFLOWSINGING. You will focus on your own unique sound in your own sacred space, learning to use your voice to become a compass in your life towards more well being.
For further information or to book an event
Jónshús, Øster Voldgade 12, 1350 Copenhagen - Tuesday, 30 October 2018
En aften med healing igennem min stemme. Jeg tager dig igennem en indre rejse via en dyb meditation og derefter fokuserer jeg på din maskuline og feminine sider. Intuitivt tager min stemme styringen og giver udtryk for din energi. Løser blokeringer, oplyfter og heler. Udover det kommer der ofte beskeder og billeder som jeg giver videre til dig.
Fully Booked
Tónskóli Sigursveins í HRAUNBERGI - Reykjavík -Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Ég leiði þig í gegnum djúpt innra ferðalag í hugleiðslu og alignment. Stend síðan upp og stilli mig inn á hvern og einn þátttakanda og leyfi röddinni minni að taka stjórnina og tjá orkuflæðið í þér.
Við deilum og hreinsum í lokin.
The Soulflowsinging events are designed for a small group, 6 - 8 people so that I can concentrate and tune into each one of the participants energy field.
We start with a meditation in a circle where we dive deep into the inner world, including grounding and connecting to the higher. I use essential oils to assist in increasing relaxation, grounding, releasing, forgiving and purifying.
Then I stand up and focus on each participant’s masculine side and let the voice just take off on its own, expressing the field. The same round for the feminine side. Often I get special messages and visions for each participant. And very often the tunes that happen to come up have a special meaning for each participant.
We end by sharing and cleansing.