Soulflowsinging Retreat for Classical Singers
The purpose of the Retreat is to give singers the possibility to approach the act of singing holistically. To get to know their own body, mind and emotions and connect to their souls on a deeper, more spiritual level.
Become whole as a singer.
The voice professional will learn how to strengthen the energy field and connect to the soul/higher self, thus raising the state of consciousness and increasing the soulflow and healing power in the singing performance. By raising the level of consciousness and the connection to the soul, the singer will become more open instrument of divine love, radiating it through the voice to the public in humble service.
Then, rather than being an expression of the personality, the communication would be a radiation through the heart of the singer into the hearts of the audience. For the benefit of the audience, the focus shifts from their analysing heads to the opening of their hearts.
This is achieved by cultivating pure sound, supported by deep breathing techniques based on bel canto. When used in unison with the singer´s balanced body, mind and emotions, allowing the soul to flow through, the sound will enter the energy fields of the audience, supporting healing, cleansing and uplifting experience to take place. This can of course happen both consciously and unconsciously, but the purpose is to increase the awareness so that in a performance the singer can step aside, tune into the channeling from the soul and fulfill the role as a humble servant. Personally, for me, achieving this state has increased the joy of singing tremendously and the ease of performing. The personality prepares with discipline, then steps aside in performance and allows the higher agenda to flow.
Sing with your whole being, body, mind and soul.
Why Italy?
We are so used to be in the masculine doing energy in our surroundings; in our daily lives. Dwelling in the hills of Umbria while diving into your inner landscape and singing your heart out, is a treat! Being surrounded by the soft, nurturing feminine energy of beauty and tranquility in the small antique villages of these magnificent regions of Italy, gives you, the singer, a unique opportunity to emerge and nurture your talent. And furthermore, pursuing and spoiling the senses by exploring the gorgeous surroundings, eating delicious Italian vegetarian/vegan food and just being in “la dolce vita”!
We will make a trip to Assisi during our week in Terra Selvatica, but if you would like to extend the visit, let us know. There is plenty to see and discover everywhere within an hour radius.
Activities Include
- Nutrition for your VOICE - Body - Mind and Emotions
- Increased connection with your inner voice - intuition - Soul
- Thorough work with vocal technique
- Music interpretation of repertoire
- Working with repertoire a cappella
- Performance skills
- Working with improvisation
- Private lessons, coaching, voice, energy work
- Healthy food - vegetarian - vegan
- Meditations - Alignments - Awareness
- Work with Feminine and Masculine Energies
- Body work through light movements
- Insights and introduction into healing with the voice
- Dwelling in magnificent surroundings
- A trip to Assisi